Splish Splash Productions Team
Splish Splash Productions (SSP), a youth-led group within the Alaska Theatre of Youth, has taken on the challenge of producing The Lightning Thief: The Percy Jackson Musical. Over the past eleven months, SSP has raised more than $10,000, secured production rights, hired key staff, and found a venue at the UAA Fine Arts Building. Their leadership includes youth-driven decisions, from casting to production policies, with a goal to engage as many youth as possible and even double-cast roles for backup performers.
Through this project, SSP has not only developed their skills in theater production but also built their confidence, proving that youth can lead with remarkable success. They aim to take the show on tour across Alaska, promoting both the arts and literacy while inspiring other young people to believe in their potential.
- Home Town Anchorage
- School District
- Award Category Visionary, Dreamer